2. Curb your appetite. Drink a glass of water before every meal. It will help you to fill up faster and eat less.
3. Slow down. Eat slower and taste your food! Give your mind time to send the message to you that you are satisfied.
4. Stay active. Exercise. Move more and eat less. You know it works! Eating and exercise go hand in hand.
5.Keep your food diary. Tracking your diet will help to point out your weaknesses. You will then be able to focus on limiting your intake of certain foods and spot when you missed a meal, etc. What you measure you can manage.
6. Pick healthier foods at least 80% of the time. Eat more vegetables and fruit and other healthy choices such as whole-grains, beans and nuts.
7. Don't go anywhere hungry. Try to arrive at any holiday parties having already eaten something healthy. That way you won't be too prone to indulging in high-calorie party foods.
8. Portion control. Pay attention to how much you put on your plate. Use smaller plates. Moderation is one of the most important elements in weight control.
9. Water over alcohol. Drinking water in place of alcohol will keep you hydrated and keep your energy level high. It will also help to avoid tacking on unnecessary calories.
10. Don't eat things if you don't like them. If you put it on your plate and it doesn't taste as good as you thought, DON'T EAT IT! Why take in the extra calories on something that doesn't even satisfy you?
11. Bring something you like. When attending a party, bring a healthier dish that you enjoy and eat it! This is a good way to eat less tempting foods.