Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Fiber: Just two tablespoons of flaxseed provides 4 g of fiber...almost 1/5 of our recommended daily fiber intake! Studies suggest that when flaxseed is added to  the diet, harmful LDL cholesterol drops, while good LDL cholesterol remains put.  Fiber also improves our regularity ;)

Lignans: These are natural antioxidants that flaxseed contains high levels of.  The lignans in flaxseed can bind to circulating that might promote unchecked cell growth.  In two tablespoons of flaxseed you get as many lignans as eating 30 CUPS of broccoli.  

Alpha-linolenic acid: Flaxseed is a mega-source for this Omega-3. The oil in flaxseed is approximately 50% alpha-linolenic acid, most oils such as canola or walnut are only 10%.  One serving of flaxseed contains 2400 mg of omega-3.

eXcellent choice: Many doctors and nutritionists recommend adding flaxseed to your diet.  You can eat the natural untreated seeds whole, ground into meal or sprouted!  Great to add to granola, smoothies or breads.

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