Monday, May 25, 2015


Benjamin Franklin said this: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." 

I love this quote. While this can be applicable to many areas of life, I want to focus on meal prepping tonight.  I spent about 3 hours this afternoon prepping food for each meal for us for the week.  It is a lot of work but we are consistently healthy for the week when we take the time to pick which recipes we want, grocery shop, cook them all and even separate them into containers with proper portion sizes.  I love to cook and I especially love to cook healthy meals.  If you don't love to cook, it doesn't have to be complicated.  Make meals simple or find someone local that does the job for you!

My favorite site to find new recipes on is  Danielle Walker not only has an incredible life story, but her recipes are outstanding! I own her cookbooks and have yet to find one I don't like.

Here is my challenge for you this week: create a meal plan by friday evening so that you can shop and cook on either Saturday or Sunday and see how much better you feel the following week when you don't have to stress about what to make or finding healthy options out at restaurants or gas stations or after the kids games.  If you are prepared, you will succeed!

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to those who fought and continue to fight for our country to protect us and our freedoms.

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