Monday, May 25, 2015


Benjamin Franklin said this: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." 

I love this quote. While this can be applicable to many areas of life, I want to focus on meal prepping tonight.  I spent about 3 hours this afternoon prepping food for each meal for us for the week.  It is a lot of work but we are consistently healthy for the week when we take the time to pick which recipes we want, grocery shop, cook them all and even separate them into containers with proper portion sizes.  I love to cook and I especially love to cook healthy meals.  If you don't love to cook, it doesn't have to be complicated.  Make meals simple or find someone local that does the job for you!

My favorite site to find new recipes on is  Danielle Walker not only has an incredible life story, but her recipes are outstanding! I own her cookbooks and have yet to find one I don't like.

Here is my challenge for you this week: create a meal plan by friday evening so that you can shop and cook on either Saturday or Sunday and see how much better you feel the following week when you don't have to stress about what to make or finding healthy options out at restaurants or gas stations or after the kids games.  If you are prepared, you will succeed!

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to those who fought and continue to fight for our country to protect us and our freedoms.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Hello all! It has been far too long!  I am in the process of reorganizing my life, goals and priorities so I am hoping that means my blog posts increase in frequency :)

Tonight, I am simply here to share a product with you that has significantly improved my sleep comfort, low back pain and shoulder impingement...the SNOOGLE!

No, I am not pregnant. The snoogle has replaced the 4 pillows I tried to manipulate into the perfect spots to support my uncomfortable body while I slept. My shoulders woke me up regularly throughout the night and now I can sleep through and be super cuddly with it...I just have to give up some cuddle time with my hubby but I am happier when I am pain free and a happy wife means a happy life right?

Check out how to get the best hip, back, neck and tummy support while you sleep here:

I got the picture and my own snoogle off of :)

Sleep tight!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Happy Hump Day!

I gave this challenge workout to many of my clients a couple of weeks ago.  Goal is to finish in less than an hour (without compromising form of course)!

50 Jumping Jacks
50 Crunches
50 Squats
50 Bicycle Crunches (per side)
45 Mountain Climbers (per side)
45 Calf Raises on stair
45 Single Leg Deadlift (light weight or none; per side)
45 JJacks
40 Side Lying Leg Raises or Hip Abductions if you have a band
40 Bicycle Crunches
40 Squats
40 Low Ab Raises
35 Mtn Climbers
35 Single Leg Deadlift
35 Calf Raises
35 Bicycle Crunches
30 Side Crunches or Hip Drops if you have a TRX
30 Squats
30 Tricep Extensions or Dips if you don't have weight
30 Bicep Curls
25 Squat Jumps
25 JJacks
25 Mtn Climbers
25 Full Sit Ups
20 Bent Over Row or TRX Row
20 Tricep Extensions
20 Bi Curls
20 Side Crunches or Hip Drops
15 Squat Jumps
15 Push Ups
15 Burpees
15 Full Sit Ups
10 Rows
10 Tri
10 Bi
10 Side Crunches or Hip Drops
5 Squat Jumps
5 Push Ups
5 Burpees
5 Full Sit Ups


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


1- You think about a meal containing carbs
2- You begin secreting insulin
3- Insulin tells your body to store fatty acids and keeps you from burning it as energy
4- You get hungry
5- You start eating
6- You secrete more insulin
7- Digested carbohydrates enter your bloodstream as glucose
8- Your blood sugar rises
9- You secrete more insulin
10- Fat from your meals stays in your fat cells as triglycerides
11- Fat cells get fatter
12- YOU get fatter

Insulin is the primary regulator of fat metabolism.  It is also the regulator of the "bouncer" of the fat cell if you will.  If insulin is high, the bouncer allows more fats into the fat cells to be stored.  If insulin is low, the bouncer denies the fat cells and it is used as fuel and energy instead (IDEAL)!

Note: I do not recommend not eating any carbs, BUT I do recommend focusing on good carbs and cutting out bad carbs.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Excuses are like assholes, everybody has them and they all stink.  As a trainer, I cannot tell you how many excuses I hear and how many people think their excuse is better than someone else's.  An excuse is an excuse...period.  Today's goal is to make a vow to yourself to get rid of the excuses.  
Here are a list of excuses often used and some solutions to help you move on from that excuse:

1.  I don't have time. Make activity a priority by adding it in to other things that are important to you.  If you aren't willing to give up The Bachelor or any other terrible tv show (I mean, I watch it because let's be honest, Juan Pablo is hot) then put a treadmill, bike, jump rope any activity in front of the tv while you are watching.  You can also split your activity up into 3-15 minute bouts!  I find it miraculous that we can always sneak in a trip to the mall, a happy hour or a concert but not a workout.

2. I am too tired.  Move anyway! Physical activity boosts energy.  The hardest part about workout out is starting to move or getting to the gym.  Once you're up and doing it, it feels great!  Pack a gym bag and go on your way to work or on your way home from work.  

3. It hurts.  Find something that doesn't hurt.  If knees hurt from running or walking, choose a bike.  If a bike hurts, you can almost always get into a pool with no pain. No matter what your ailment is, there is a solution and if you can't think of it, seek a health professional who has one for you!

4. I don't have a place to do it or don't have equipment.  False, you can walk anywhere...park, mall, house, etc.  If you don't have a gym membership or equipment, get creative!  My dad used to do "Aubree ups" where he would chest press my whole body when I was younger.  Parks have benches you can do push ups, tricep dips, step ups, calf raises, etc.  Just think about how you can move more throughout the day!

5. It's too hot, cold, snowy, humid, rainy, something...anything that is excuse-worthy.  Go inside.  Get a piece of equipment for in front of your tv, join a gym, climb stairs in your apartment or work building, try a workout dvd or on-demand exercise.

6. I hate exercise. Change your attitude.  What do you like about it?  How does it make you feel when you are done?  What results will come from it?  If you believe it will feel good, it will! Find any activity that you enjoy.  Turn on some tunes and dance!  

Here is a chart with some more excuses and solutions:

Now, after my list and this chart, if you still have some excuse and can't seem to find the solution, please contact me and I will help you out!  

Once reaching your goals is more important than your excuses, you will find a way and you will succeed!

Have a wonderful and safe weekend :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Happy new year!  I am sorry it has been so long since I have been on.  LOTS of things going on.

I have a rule with my clients that if they say they "can't" do something, they have to do 10 burpees at that moment.  I don't like that word.  My mom always used to say "can't means won't".  Where she got that from, I have no clue, but I love it.  I recently created a group that is not drinking and eating clean for January and I have a couple of people who said "I can't eat that well or I can't go the whole month without drinking", you can, it just means that you won't.  You have already defeated yourself at that point.

More than anything else, being healthy is a mental game.  If you tell yourself you can't do something, you aren't going to do it. Period.

I am going to make this entry short and sweet with a challenge. I challenge you to remove that word from your vocabulary AT LEAST for a month and try to do something you told yourself you couldn't in the past.  It feels amazing to get rid of negative self-talk and to reach your potential.

Have an amazing and positive 2014!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


At church today, our pastor was talking about how some people get confused when God calls some people but not others.  The people who don't hear God don't understand why others do and they don't.  Pastor Michael says that those of us who don't hear Him, simply aren't listening or making the correct decisions to be closer to Him.  Sometimes we make choices and claim it's God's will that we do something but then when things don't go as planned, once again, we are confused.  Why would God set us up for failure?  The point of today was to learn that we have a choice.  Always.  Whether it is what job to take, who to marry, what car to get, etc. and it is our job to look at the options and choose which one will help us live a more Godly life.  Just because one job gives you more financial stability, doesn't mean it's going to bring you closer to God.  Once you start making those good decisions and take some time to listen, you will hear Him.  You make the decision to walk with Him instead of away from Him.

I couldn't help but relate this to health. We have a choice.  Always.  Should I exercise?  Should I eat the whole tub of ice cream?  Do I need to have 3 glasses of wine? What if I just have one candy bar?  Should I keep those in my life who lower my confidence?  Should I continue to surround myself with people who have zero aspiration of living life to the fullest? Those things all provide us with instant gratification and we feel good about it for a brief moment, but the better decisions you make, the more you LISTEN to those trying to help you, the healthier and happier you will be!

The main point of this is in all aspects of life, WE HAVE A CHOICE.  ALWAYS.  If you keep making the wrong ones, you have no right to be upset about your currently unhappy situation.

I challenge you for this next week to really think about the decisions you're making.  For one week, choose the option that will guide you to the best you that you can be.  If you make all of those choices and don't feel awesome at the end of the week, leave your email on the comments and we can chat!