Saturday, January 4, 2014


Happy new year!  I am sorry it has been so long since I have been on.  LOTS of things going on.

I have a rule with my clients that if they say they "can't" do something, they have to do 10 burpees at that moment.  I don't like that word.  My mom always used to say "can't means won't".  Where she got that from, I have no clue, but I love it.  I recently created a group that is not drinking and eating clean for January and I have a couple of people who said "I can't eat that well or I can't go the whole month without drinking", you can, it just means that you won't.  You have already defeated yourself at that point.

More than anything else, being healthy is a mental game.  If you tell yourself you can't do something, you aren't going to do it. Period.

I am going to make this entry short and sweet with a challenge. I challenge you to remove that word from your vocabulary AT LEAST for a month and try to do something you told yourself you couldn't in the past.  It feels amazing to get rid of negative self-talk and to reach your potential.

Have an amazing and positive 2014!

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