Monday, April 8, 2013

H2O Fo Sho!


You all know that you should drink about 96 oz of water a day...but why?

As we closer to hotter temperatures and more exercise, we need to be sure we are hyrdrating.  Our bodies are made up of 60% water.  We can survive quite some time without other nutrients or foods, but we can only survive a few days without water.  Here is why this one thing is so important:

1. Improves endorcrine gland function-our endocrine system is responsible for adjusting hormone levels to keep us functioning normally.

2. Fluid retention is alleviated.

3. Liver functions improve, increasing the percentage of fat we use for energy!

4. Appetite is significantly decreased.

5. Metabolic functions improve.

6. Nutrients are distributed throughout the body.

7. Body-temperature regulation improves.

8. Blood volume, the total amount of blood in the body, is maintained.

This being said, our bodies CANNOT adapt to dehydration because it impairs every physiological function.

Water and Exercise:

*Consume 16 oz 2 hours before exercise.  Add an additional 8-16 oz if exercising in warm weather.
*Drink 20-40 oz of fluid for every hour of exercise
*Try to drink colder fluids for more rapid gastric emptying
*If exercise is longer than 60 minutes, use a sports drink to replace fluid and glycogen stores (energy)
*If less than 60 minutes, water is experts' choice for fluid replacement
*Goal is to replace sweat and urine losses
*Drink 20 oz of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after exercise

If you are on a fat loss plan, drink an additional 8 oz of water for every 25 lbs carried above ideal weight.

I tell my clients to aim for 3 Nalgene bottles a day.  Drink water right when you wake up and make sure to have a bottle with you at all times.  If you start craving something naughty, drink some water and pop in a piece of gum or have a piece of fruit.

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