Friday, January 31, 2014


Excuses are like assholes, everybody has them and they all stink.  As a trainer, I cannot tell you how many excuses I hear and how many people think their excuse is better than someone else's.  An excuse is an excuse...period.  Today's goal is to make a vow to yourself to get rid of the excuses.  
Here are a list of excuses often used and some solutions to help you move on from that excuse:

1.  I don't have time. Make activity a priority by adding it in to other things that are important to you.  If you aren't willing to give up The Bachelor or any other terrible tv show (I mean, I watch it because let's be honest, Juan Pablo is hot) then put a treadmill, bike, jump rope any activity in front of the tv while you are watching.  You can also split your activity up into 3-15 minute bouts!  I find it miraculous that we can always sneak in a trip to the mall, a happy hour or a concert but not a workout.

2. I am too tired.  Move anyway! Physical activity boosts energy.  The hardest part about workout out is starting to move or getting to the gym.  Once you're up and doing it, it feels great!  Pack a gym bag and go on your way to work or on your way home from work.  

3. It hurts.  Find something that doesn't hurt.  If knees hurt from running or walking, choose a bike.  If a bike hurts, you can almost always get into a pool with no pain. No matter what your ailment is, there is a solution and if you can't think of it, seek a health professional who has one for you!

4. I don't have a place to do it or don't have equipment.  False, you can walk anywhere...park, mall, house, etc.  If you don't have a gym membership or equipment, get creative!  My dad used to do "Aubree ups" where he would chest press my whole body when I was younger.  Parks have benches you can do push ups, tricep dips, step ups, calf raises, etc.  Just think about how you can move more throughout the day!

5. It's too hot, cold, snowy, humid, rainy, something...anything that is excuse-worthy.  Go inside.  Get a piece of equipment for in front of your tv, join a gym, climb stairs in your apartment or work building, try a workout dvd or on-demand exercise.

6. I hate exercise. Change your attitude.  What do you like about it?  How does it make you feel when you are done?  What results will come from it?  If you believe it will feel good, it will! Find any activity that you enjoy.  Turn on some tunes and dance!  

Here is a chart with some more excuses and solutions:

Now, after my list and this chart, if you still have some excuse and can't seem to find the solution, please contact me and I will help you out!  

Once reaching your goals is more important than your excuses, you will find a way and you will succeed!

Have a wonderful and safe weekend :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Happy new year!  I am sorry it has been so long since I have been on.  LOTS of things going on.

I have a rule with my clients that if they say they "can't" do something, they have to do 10 burpees at that moment.  I don't like that word.  My mom always used to say "can't means won't".  Where she got that from, I have no clue, but I love it.  I recently created a group that is not drinking and eating clean for January and I have a couple of people who said "I can't eat that well or I can't go the whole month without drinking", you can, it just means that you won't.  You have already defeated yourself at that point.

More than anything else, being healthy is a mental game.  If you tell yourself you can't do something, you aren't going to do it. Period.

I am going to make this entry short and sweet with a challenge. I challenge you to remove that word from your vocabulary AT LEAST for a month and try to do something you told yourself you couldn't in the past.  It feels amazing to get rid of negative self-talk and to reach your potential.

Have an amazing and positive 2014!