At church today, our pastor was talking about how some people get confused when God calls some people but not others. The people who don't hear God don't understand why others do and they don't. Pastor Michael says that those of us who don't hear Him, simply aren't listening or making the correct decisions to be closer to Him. Sometimes we make choices and claim it's God's will that we do something but then when things don't go as planned, once again, we are confused. Why would God set us up for failure? The point of today was to learn that we have a choice. Always. Whether it is what job to take, who to marry, what car to get, etc. and it is our job to look at the options and choose which one will help us live a more Godly life. Just because one job gives you more financial stability, doesn't mean it's going to bring you closer to God. Once you start making those good decisions and take some time to listen, you will hear Him. You make the decision to walk with Him instead of away from Him.
I couldn't help but relate this to health. We have a choice. Always. Should I exercise? Should I eat the whole tub of ice cream? Do I need to have 3 glasses of wine? What if I just have one candy bar? Should I keep those in my life who lower my confidence? Should I continue to surround myself with people who have zero aspiration of living life to the fullest? Those things all provide us with instant gratification and we feel good about it for a brief moment, but the better decisions you make, the more you LISTEN to those trying to help you, the healthier and happier you will be!
The main point of this is in all aspects of life, WE HAVE A CHOICE. ALWAYS. If you keep making the wrong ones, you have no right to be upset about your currently unhappy situation.
I challenge you for this next week to really think about the decisions you're making. For one week, choose the option that will guide you to the best you that you can be. If you make all of those choices and don't feel awesome at the end of the week, leave your email on the comments and we can chat!